A Belizean birthday party on Goff's Caye

Caracol and the Mountain Pine Ridge in Belize: Bandits, mud, the Mayan capital and water falls

Speedboat cruise through the jungle to the Maya site Lamanai

Orange Walk, La Milpa and Chan Chich: Spiders, Snakes and Crocs

Garifuna Settlement Day 2011 in Hopkins, Belize

Tag Archives: emergency-training

How I learned how to manage a hurricane

7. October 2011 at 00:48




“Hurricane Gina hits Belize City as a Category 2 at 12pm” “12,670 injured in Belize City, 6200 destroyed houses” “The roof of KHM hospital collapsed. People need evacuation” ” 2 pregnant women in Port Loyola need immediate help” “Northern Highway is completely flooded and unpassable. All search and rescue units up north can not return […]

Wie ich lernte, einen Hurricane zu managen

7. October 2011 at 00:28




“Hurrikan Gina trifft Belize City als Kategorie 2 Hurrikan Belize City um 12h” “12,670 Verletzte in Belize City, 6200 zerstoerte Haeuser” “Dach des Karl Heusner Memorial Krankenhauses eingestuerzt” ” 2 Schwangere Frauen in Port Loyola brauchen sofort Hilfe” “Northern Highway ist komplett geflutet und unpassierbar. Alle Einsatzkraefte im Norden sind von der Stadt abgeschnitten.” “Verschiedene […]